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Centre for Sustainable Fashion

We are Centre for Sustainable Fashion (CSF), an award-winning  UAL research,

education and knowledge exchange centre based at London College of Fashion. 

We provoke,

challenge and question the fashion status quo.

Inviting ideas of the way things might be, based on the core value of living well together in a more than human world.

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​CSF Community | Upcoming Events & Latest Activities


 Future Observatory:

Tomorrow’s Wardrobe

Exhibition | The Design Museum

This brand-new free exhibition features contributions from CSF’s Future Fashion Landscapes project and collaboration with South East and South West England Fibreshed.

Now until August 2025 | Free

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LCF Sampled x Research:

Design Journeys towards Social Change, Talk + Q&A

Join us for a thought-provoking evening with CSF's Dr Francesco Mazzarella and PhD candidate, Victoria Ho. Victoria will reflect on her PhD work and Francesco will share insights from his latest research trip in Vietnam and Australia. 

12th February | 6 - 8pm | Free

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Next Gen Assembly 2024  | Wellbeing Spiral Playbook

The Wellbeing Spiral Playbook is a resource created by the 2024 Next Gen Assembly cohort. Centred on the theme of ‘Economies of Wellbeing’, it explores alternative models and diverse economic values within the fashion ecosystem.

New free resource available now

Open Morning Tutorials for UAL Students 

CSF are offering monthly Open Morning Tutorials for current UAL students during term time, giving you a unique opportunity to talk to a member the CSF team in a free one-on-one 25-minute in-person tutorial. This is a brilliant platform for inquisitive students working on projects inclusive of sustainability to discuss your work with fashion and sustainability leaders in their respective area of experience.

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Upcoming 2025 Session's: ​​​​​

Tuesday 18th February:


Tuesday 11th March:



Tuesday 13th May:

Dr. Francesco Mazzarella (Reader in Design for Social Change)

Constance Jeffreys (Knowledge Exchange Associate)


Prof Lucy Orta (Chair of Art and the Environment)

Eve Flitman (Centre Coordinator and Knowledge Exchange Officer)

Prof Sandy Black (Professor of Fashion, Textile Design and Technology)​

Charley Copperthwaite (Knowledge Exchange Officer and Education Projects Coordinator)

CSF Community Session | Meet the Team

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Wednesday 26th February 2025, 1-2pm.


Join Centre for Sustainable Fashion (CSF) team members in this relaxed, drop-in style event for any interested University of the Arts London (UAL) students and staff. Light refreshments will be available.


​We are here to chat about the work we do, opportunities for collaboration or involvement, and answer any questions you may have about fashion and sustainability.


In-person at London College of Fashion, 105 Carpenters Road, Stratford, London, E20 2AR, in room 1312. 

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