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Imagining Possibilities Festival

Join us for a radical celebration as we envision fashion’s role in creating a future where all can thrive.

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Imagining Possibilities is a festival for those who engage in fashion daily and those who have never engaged in it. And everyone in between.

By questioning existing logic and assumptions, our festival programme will expand possibilities for fashion to help people live well together in a more-than-human world, shifting the narrative of emergency, to a narrative of emergence into new ways of living.

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17-20 APRIL


Festival Programme

Imagining Possibilities for Fashion Education: A Walking Conversation


9.30AM-12.30PM | LCF East

An active gathering of people interested in discussions around the values and purpose of fashion education and how we might imagine and enact new possibilities in its purpose and practice.


How can fashion education nurture human and planetary flourishing, whilst simultaneously ceasing to perpetuate or uphold extractive and exploitative elements of the prevailing fashion economy?

Time in Nature


2-5PM | LCF East

Are you interested in taking your fashion teaching outdoors, working in green spaces, and encouraging students to learn in the natural environment? Are you looking to explore ways in which you can embed Climate, Social and Racial Justice into your teaching?


Join members of Centre for Sustainable Fashion and LCF’s student Climate Advocates for an afternoon of developing learning experiences in/with/for nature across fashion’s disciplines. You are welcome whether you are a tutor, teacher or have other interests in and testing teaching and learning practices in natural settings.

Workshopping a New Fashion System


3-5.30PM | LCF East

This workshop is a reimagining of the fashion industry in a social and environmental justice paradigm. Participants will use speculative design methods to create individual fashion systems based on their own values. The workshop provides participants with the space to collectively explore radical ideas to unlock current industry potential, and change our mindsets around the fashion status quo that serves as a barrier to progression. 

Limited availability. Please email Monica Buchan-Ng to register your interest.

Cherishing: from radical act to practical reality


2-4PM | The Lab E20

Flipping the script on standard discussions around waste, and running with the festival's theme of imagining possibilities, this event will start from the notion of cherishing on a societal level as an ideal end point in order to brainstorm how we might work backwards to get there.

LCF Fashion Undressed: Imagining Possibilities


12-5PM | LCF East

This public programme will explore CSF's past, present and future through multiple streams of activity. Join us for live performances, showcases, workshops and interventions selected and presented by UAL students, alumni, local communities, external artists and organisations.

Finding Hope in the Face of  the Climate Crisis


9.30AM-11.00AM | The Lab E20

Are you an industry professional seeking opportunities to connect with nature and explore the interdependencies between people and planet? This workshop will offer a safe space for sharing perspectives on climate, society and fashion, exploring our hopes for the future of fashion, and collectively finding hope in the face of the climate crisis. 

Limited availability. Please email Monica Buchan-Ng to register your interest.

Imagining Possibilities Field Day
Hosted by Deepa Patel and Dilys Williams


2-5PM | LCF East, Room 117

A convening of centre members, critical friends, and collaborators in a safe and brave space for reflexive questioning and considering what we are best placed to focus on in ushering in a sense of ecological and equity consciousness and practice. The centre is in its restless mid-teens, and we welcome you to join us in channeling that teen spirit in what we do next.

Radical Imagination


5.45-8.00PM | LCF East, Lecture Theatre

Join us for a salon style convening, with celebrated author, philosopher, thinker, and speaker, Bayo Akomolafe, along with visionary interdisciplinary artists, students and practitioners, including Colectivo Malvestidas, Tori Tsui and UAL President, James Purnell, for an evening of performances, provocations and dialogues, as we radically imagine possibilities for fashion as equity in a more-than-human world.  

This event will be in person and live streamed.

In Conversation: Life in Clothes and The Lissome


5-7PM | The Lab E20

An evening of conversation between Dr. Mila Burcikova (Centre for Sustainable Fashion) and Dörte de Jesus (The Lissome magazine) accompanied by Mila’s exhibition Life in Clothes and the launch of The Lissome’s latest issue Love Ethic.


We will talk about re-connecting with natural seasons through Mila’s Life in Clothes Almanac, nature-based narratives for fashion in an article and photo story inspired by Mila’s research, and The Lissome’s gentle yet radical vision of conscious creation in divisive times. The conversation will be hosted by Hardeep Kaur (The Architecture of Contemplation podcast). 

This event will be in person and live streamed.

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